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My Problem With Thanksgiving

I really and truly love the season of Thanksgiving. The weather is crisp but not bad, the leaves are showing their beautiful colors, and it comes down to family friends and fellowship on this special day. The dinner that my wife cooks will be wonderful, the time spent with my parents and my children will be joyful, and the time off from a busy life is greatly welcomed. But I have a problem with Thanksgiving.

It is not with the holiday nor the season, but rather it's with me. I am bothered by the fact that I am not focused on being thankful throughout the year like I do during this season. I long to be a thankful person every day and not just on one particular time of the year. I am convinced that being thankful is an extremely important trait to a Christian. Without thankfulness, how can you truly be giving praise and honor to the Lord? I want and long to be thankful every day of the year. But in the midst of a busy life with the schedule that is unbelievable, it tends to be the last thing that I do.

As I strive to be more thankful this year, would you join me as well? Let's be an extremely grateful membership of the family of God because the Lord has truly shown his favor upon us! He deserves that much from each of us and I for one will endeavor to give it to Him.

In The Service of The King! Dr. Jeffrey S. Smale


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